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On pursuing meaningful work
Sat Mar 19 05:03:41 PM AEDT 2022
Something the plagues my mind, as it does a large number of other people, is what to do with one's self throughout their lives. A common goal is to amass enough wealth as to not need to work anymore. While this may seem like something desirable, anyone who has ran into anyone who has achieved this relatively early in their lives is that they are almost always bored. That is if they choose to do nothing with the free time that the have gotten as a result of achieving this milestone.
This lead me to conclude that it is not that people do not like working, it is that people do not like doing work that they feel is not fulfilling. If someone finds a hobby or work that is indefinitely gratifying then surely that is better than sitting around doing nothing at all of value and indulging in mindless entertainment, food, alcohol, etc. It would all eventually become boring as this life establishes itself as the new normal.
Therefore, gaining enough wealth to not have to work, should be to not have to work a *bad* job. This freedom should allow something to find and explore means of pursuing meaningful work that benefits themselves and their family, or ideally, the world as a whole. It is more difficult but one should strive to attain this goal of finding good work even without having such wealth. Although it is much harder to do this, especially in some people's particular situations.
As for finding what the work is for myself, well, I've yet to work that out.